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The rapid evolution of technology allows for the accomplishment of numerous tasks that do not require physical meeting between the parties involved. Imagine what it’ll be like in the next 15 years. I can imagine most things going virtual and contact-less. I imagine me doing away with bulky hardware and switching between options by just waving my hand. I can also see parents dropping off their children in school in driverless vehicles while they remain at home doing other chores in the house.
Never before has the world had to adopt virtual congregation as during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve had several key events and sessions cancelled in order to combat the spread of the virus and thanks to some great minds important events have been successfully held virtually.
We did conduct a 6-day training online, with me being the lead trainer. The workshop was aimed at training financial managers, especially from KP-led institutions in Tanzania, how to utilize Excel for better financial management. I must admit that this was my first ever experience training online, and with shallow experience on virtual meetings. I mean I’ve used Skype, WhatsApp, etc. to hold meetings, especially with people I know but not one that goes for 3 hours with all ears and eyes on you. The workshop was a success in that we were able to deliver what was promised in the concept note, and from the responses gathered from the participants after the workshop, they all agreed that they’d gained valuable knowledge and experience from the webinar.
Service providers were really hit by the COVID pandemic. Myself, being a full-time trainer, was one of those hit hard by the government’s directive prohibiting physical learning in academic institutions. We had to wait and wait until late October when learning in tertiary institutions resumed (I’ll tell you about my experience during the pandemic in a different post). I must admit that waiting for schools to re-open was me being in my uncomfortable comfort zone, and you know what they say about the comfort zone..
You can use a variety of webinar and productivity tools as a trainer / instructor to ensure continuity of service delivery to your clients, which in turn keeps your income streams flowing.
Picking up the experience from the online workshop, here are is what we did to ensure it was a success:
Of course there are numerous challenges with online trainings, with the top-most being the limited ability for you to control your class; and fully gauge their participation and understanding of what you’ll be communicating across. Do expect instances of participants having their microphones on and picking all the unnecessary surrounding noises during your sessions; or even some participants being in ‘attendance’ but are actually away from their devices. All in all, webinars are starting to be part of us and we have to learn to embrace it.